L'activité se trouve à Lac-du-Cerf

Café-crèmerie Le Georgiana

Café-crèmerie Le Georgiana

The coffee-creamery is named after one of the founding women of Lac-du-Cerf. According to the information unearthed, Georgiana Boismenu was a creamer before her arrival in Lac-du-Cerf. It is an allusion to the history of the municipality.


  • Vanilla, chocolate, marbled soft ice cream cone

  • caramel, chocolate or strawberry ice cream

  • Ice cream sandwiches with double chocolate cookies, chocolate chips or praline

  • Coffee with or without foam

  • Hot Chocolate

  • candy for cones

  • coming soon: vanilla cream with maple butter injection

Contact details:

215, rue Principale

(819) 951-7374
