A little moment just for you Here are some tours and activities for couples. Contact us if you need to adapt a tour or for more advice. It will be our pleasure to accompany you for a most pleasant experience in the Upper-Laurentians. Enough of the hassle, just come and enjoy! Tours for lovers Outdoor and flavour escapade3 days - 70 kilomètresExperiences5 Flavors1 Relaxation1 Learning Here are the locations perfect for couples ActivitiesAll activitiesRelaxationOutdoorBikeBeaches and sandy shoresLocal flavours and agri-tourismCulture and appealEvents and showsEntertainmentHunting and fishingQuadUnusualMunicipalityAllCHUTE-SAINT-PHILIPPEFERME-NEUVEKIAMIKALA MACAZALAC-SAGUAYLAC-SAINT-PAULLAC-DES-ÉCORCESLAC-DU-CERFL'ASCENSIONMONT-LAURIERMONT-SAINT-MICHELNOMININGUENOTRE-DAME-DE-PONTMAINNOTRE-DAME-DU-LAUSRIVIÈRE-ROUGESAINT-AIMÉ-DU-LAC-DES-ÎLESSAINTE-ANNE-DU-LACUNORGANIZED TERRITORYRegional ParkFerme-NeuveParc régional montagne du DiableRegional ParkFerme-NeuveMontagne du Diable regional parkRegional ParkNotre-Dame-Du-LausParc régional du Poisson BlancHautes-LaurentidesParc Linéaire le P'tit Train du NordL'autre LaurentidesBike tours - easy levelMont-LaurierCentre de plein air Mont-LaurierNominingueLe Renouveau Rosaire-Sénécal ParkMont-LaurierLe sentier intergénérationnel de Mont-LaurierRivière-RougeLookout trail - Camping Sainte-VéroniqueChute-Saint-PhilippeNature Trails of Chute-Saint-PhilippeLac-SaguaySentier du Boisé Joseph-B.B. GauthierSaint-Aimé-Du-Lac-Des-ÎlesSentier du Lac Gaucher1 2 3 4 next